Mom curated & expert vetted

A complete package

There are dozens of little things we realize we need after baby comes. We help moms simplify the chaos with comprehensive bundles for each stage, without excess clutter

Only the best brands

Our bundles are curated based on what other moms love the most and are vetted by experts — never based on sponsorships, affiliate commissions, or individual preferences

Evidence-Based Tips

We partner with experts across fields to create unbiased & digestible cheat sheets and videos for moms based on the latest research, without sponsored content

Words Of Wisdom

from our community of strong mamas

Karrie B.

Mom of Thomas (7) and Matthew (6)
Mom of Thomas (7) and Matthew (6)

Best advice:

New moms get bombarded with advice from people trying to help, but every kid is different. I have two boys 18 months apart, exact same upbringing, and they were night and day in terms of what they needed. So go ahead and try someone’s advice but if it doesn’t work, who cares, try something else. Just see what works for you and move forward.

Favorite part of motherhood:

My favorite part of motherhood and my favorite part of my job as an OBGYN is being part of this sisterhood and sharing an understanding with so many women of what this crazy journey is all about, from the every day details to the profoundness of it. It's easy to forget this sometimes but I'm lucky to be reminded of it everyday with my patients.

Kelly B.

Mom of Ronin (3) and James (1)
Mom of Ronin (3) and James (1)

Best advice:

Get ready for life to get messy. Let go. It's okay!

Favorite part of motherhood:

The koala hugs, bedtime cuddles, the giggles and hearty belly laughs, holding my sleeping baby or toddler and being reminded of just how innocent and vulnerable he is, the unconditional love. It's impossible to pick just one thing.

Ana Luisa R.

Mom of Pablo (2)
Mom of Pablo (2)

Best advice:

The only difference between you and who you might look to as a "veteran" mom is time. While preparing and researching helps, you will learn most things on the job and figure it out as you go. No one knows your baby or can care for them like you do!

Favorite part of motherhood:

There are so many little things that make me forget about other challenges I'm having in life, like how happy he is to see me in the morning (he's soo cute when he wakes up!) or how excited he gets to see doggies in the park. Even though I'm busier now, these little things really help me "slow down" and appreciate the moment, which has made me a better person.

Ana K.

Mom of Nina (5), Samira (3), and Anabel (20 months)
Mom of Nina (5), Samira (3), and Anabel (20 months)

Best advice:

Trust in your instincts and don't second guess yourself so much. I didn't always take this advice (with my first I was all about reading ALL the books) but once I did, I've enjoyed the ride so much more.

Favorite part of motherhood:

Listening to the hilarious and sometimes shockingly profound things my daughters say.

Share your words of wisdom here

meet our experts

We partner with health experts that work every day to support moms along this amazing journey. Meet some of our expert partners and read how they are using Mamieli as a platform to share their wisdom more broadly.


Casey J.

Mom of James, 4 months
“It's so refreshing to have a place I can turn for a simple collection of products other moms truly love. I find it nearly impossible to cut through the noise of biased product recs online - it seems more and more IG mom influencers are "selling out" and doing so many partnerships.”

Kelly B.

Mom of Emma (6), Teddy (3) & baby #3 due soon
“Maybe because I'm juggling several kids and my job I appreciate TIME more than anything, and these Mamieli bundles are saving me so much time getting all the postpartum things I need at once before my third is born in a couple weeks.”

Emma F.

Mom of Abigail (4) and Max (2)
“Mamieli nailed the products in the PP and baby health bundles - I know from experience they work and yes, you need them all. The breastfeeding bundle is probably amazing too but I wasn't able to breastfeed so can't speak to that one.”

Caroline C.

Friend of a soon-to-be first time mama
"The first of my friends is having a baby and I really have no clue about any of this stuff! These bundles feel so thoughtful and helpful for the mom which is what I want to gift her as opposed to only baby toys or clothes.”

Maxi B.

Mom of baby boy on the way
"I've added all the bundles to my registry because they cover so much ground, and a lot of these items are just not giftable as one-off products. For example I feel weird adding a thing of nipple balm to my registry but honestly I'd rather be gifted useful things. It also makes it easier for my friends and family to gift a cohesive package instead of a bunch of one-off things."

Lorena S.

"My favorite part of the Mamieli platform is the content library with vetted videos. It's hard to search and find quality videos on Instagram... this is saving me from the rabbit hole."